It's been a long time since my first post and unfortunately, the world is still as it was at that time. I didn't have much to comment on the world then and I still don't have anything to comment on it now.
However, everything in life has a purpose and so does this post. The purpose of this post is to talk about an interesting game I came across recently.
Background :
I have recently started reading the Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman and I must say that they are the best comics I have ever read.(but then again, my comics experience is limited to superhero stuff and the odd graphic novel). More on Sandman later (there are 75 issues to browse through).
In the first volume, there is this riddling game which occurs between Morpheus, the God of Dreams and a demon called Choronzon. The game is referred only as "the oldest game" and it goes like this :
Choronzon: I am a dire wolf, prey-stalking, lethal prowler.
Morpheus: I am a hunter, horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing.
Choronzon: I am a horsefly, horse-stinging, hunter-throwing.
Morpheus: I am a spider, fly-consuming, eight legged.
Choronzon: I am a snake, spider-devouring, poison-toothed.
Morpheus: I am an ox, snake-crushing, heavy footed.
Choronzon: I am an anthrax, butcher bacterium, warm-life destroying.
Morpheus: I am a world, space-floating, life nurturing.
Choronzon: I am a nova, all-exploding, planet-cremating.
Morpheus: I am the universe -- all things encompassing, all life embracing.
Choronzon: I am anti-life, the beast of judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds... of everything. SSS. And what will you be then, Dreamlord?
Morpheus: I am hope.
Now, during my googling on this riddle game, I found several articles talking about the supremacy of Hope and how it can still be outmatched by despair and so on but that is not the purpose of this post.
It is not the purpose of this post to explore this dialogue further or comment on its aspects. The purpose of this post is this:
I am bored. And I would love to play this game. So, if you have stumbled upon this post by chance or by fate or by me pinging you on gtalk or however, and are interested in a round of "the oldest game'
I am boredom.. mind numbing.. Insanity breeding..
What will you be?
Every joke Brad Pitt’s made this awards season
5 years ago
i am calamity.. earth-shattering.. life-threatening.. where boredom has no place
I am relief.. Peace bringing.. wound healing
I am nothing
i am civil war.. peace-destroying.. religions fighting
since nothing doesn't really trounce relief.. leaving it out
I am compromise.. all pleasing.. tempers cooling
i am jealousy.. gold-snatching.. theft-inciting
I am generosity.. gold giving.. all forgiving
i am reality.. where gold giving generosity dont leave long
live long*
I am imagination.. I create my own reality and my own rules
I am a Compiler Construction assignment. I leave no space for imagination.
I am Nitin Bansal.. do the assignment perfectly.. I will still cut some marks
I am hungry. I eat Nitin Bansal.
Oh was that a syntax error? Considering "hungry" is not a noun?
I'm brain death. consciousness killer.. nothingness bringer
Since you are new to this game, I will let you edit that
and ritheesh.. i know you want to end with nothing but nothingness should be reached gradually.. not abruptly.. and should have atleast a bit of connection to the opponent's manner of being
I really think nothing or void is ultimate. Any way go on with your game
I am the advisor's partner.. I dont need to explain further :)
i am Cockroach Swatting Slipper. I swat cockroaches 'from a safe distance'
I am a manhole cover.. I trip slippers and break them
i am asteroid.. i blast the manhole and the cover into non-existence
I am the earth's atmosphere.. i burn up the asteroids
i am global warming.. atmosphere-threatening.. more harmful than human fart
i am earth...atmosphere changes according to me
I am carrier ac.. air cooling.. heat reducing
I am a nova, all-exploding, planet-cremating. :)
i am Electricity Board.. i provide power as well as cut it
i am alien.. earth-invading.. laser-blasting
I am bribe.. I corrupt people at the electricity board
@bish's response to kranthi..
I am ah-nuld.. I kill aliens :)
now terminate this branch and focus on the other.
i am whistle-blower.. i get bribers caught
I am asthma.. I make whistle blowers breathless
I'm Opium .. Opium Poppy. I killed Dickens asthma.
I am drug addict, opium devouring, twig crushing.
I'm death. The definiteness of a drug addict.
I am Nirvana.. Removing bondage to the life-death cycle
i am kurt gobain's suicide.. i took away nirvana from the face of this earth
I am the "Foo Fighters".. I got over cobain's suicide and started creating better music :D
I'm Taliban. No Music. No songs.
I am the blogger, truth seeking and Taliban torturing.
I'm the blogger is a poor taste
I'm correctness. I fight mistakes, above comment and myself.
I am Judgement.. I decide what's correct and what's not..
I'm an Indian court of law. I delay Judgment .
I am atom bomb. I can destroy any building.
I'm Japan. See it NOW.
People should read this.
I am Global Recession, wiping off post war wealth.
I am the 700 Billion dollar relief fund..bonus giving.. cash flowing
i'm green paper eating, note-digesting, square headed alien from Singuan IV that ate the money
I am agent J from MIB.. Bzzzzzzpppp.. I Zap you with my neuralizer..
I'm ahimsa, peace-making, tranquilizing, and made agent J impotent
I am Viagra.. I make agent J potent..
I am time, i made him too old for viagra, but the poor bastard thought it was some kind of joke and died when he took another one anyway.
I am I am the perfect way to kill time.. :)
I'm Randall Munroe's mom, and i didn't like him wasting his life on stupid matchstick men and non-existent irony. I shut xkcd down. I hope now he'll be a good boy and study
I guess Randall Munroe's mom is supreme!
Any relation with Supremo?
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