Today, I have nothing to write about
No coherent thought from my chaotic mind
Nothing to rant, no axe to grind
No inspiration, it’s hard to find
Today, I have nothing to sing about
No tale of happiness, no tale of sorrow
No song about today, nothing about tomorrow
No tune I could steal, no tune I could borrow
Today, I have nothing to paint about
No ethereal vision, no enchanting sight
No beautiful rainbow, no playful light
No paint on my canvas, try as I might
Today, I had nothing to write about
But I did write, a poem of some kind
But I did write, and will write again on the morrow
But I did write, and now I feel alright
xkcd style.
First post!
@naveen LOL.. honored :)
boring topic to write about but you made it interesting :)
Maybe not today, but normally, from what I see here, you paint some beautiful word pictures.
...and typing about not writing is writing by typing that I enjoy! Gave me not only a smile, but a chuckle of pleasure. Good to see fellow artists putting down whatever they are putting down, and by doing, plugging on, inspire me to continue my own moves. Artists inspire artists just as muses do. Thank you.
@rahul.. my favorite reader.. always leaves me good comments :)
@Linda maybe not today.. but today I had nothing to write about :(
@Ralph Ivy.. honored that you chose to comment here.. I guess the fourth line of my poem isn't necessarily true :)
And I hope for the days to come, you'll have more to write =)
Greetings from BC! I have those days as well...
Everyone have those days, you have nice place here :)
Wish you all the best so that you can write more.
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