Saturday, April 30, 2022

Seasons of love

Saturday, March 12, 2022

All's Fair

I left my home, to join the army!
I left my home, to join the army!

To save my country, from the foreign man
Cause she loves me back, as only a mother can!

So we did both meet, on the battlefield
Die or survive, our fates are sealed

In him I saw, the same resolve
I had in me, country above all

I lost a brother, when I took his life
I sobbed as I wrote, to my patient wife

I came back home, to join society!
I came back home, to join society!

His face haunts me, keeps me up at night
As I wake up, shivering in fright

I seeked out help, to fix my soul
But the doctor's bills, left me in a hole

We love our vets! They said everywhere
Yet I could not, fit anywhere

Thoughts and prayers, they all did bless
And then turned their backs, I must confess

They say all's fair, in love and war
How could that be, when neither are

I came across this video on TikTok a little while ago and was pretty moved by the sense of duty-
But I was also moved by the dereliction of duty by society and government as highlighted by Jon Stewart -

Monday, November 27, 2017

An Ode to Coffee

Awake on the dot like prompted by a bell
something something Pavlov? I digress, but
What I need to jolt me, as far as I can tell
Is a large brew of coffee with some hazelnut

Add two tiny beads of darkest chocolate
Tucked away hidden behind swirls of cream
More is overkill, this is a refined palate
Coaster's rich purple, with a shiny gleam

This craving does drive a man insane
It's a crazy affliction
I realize as I look upon my carpet stain
I have a canine addiction

Sunday, November 19, 2017

That Azure Sea

I sat by the lake shore staring across
Hesitant to even dip my toe in
Afraid it would be cold
Scared I would drown
I am not a good swimmer you see
So I sat there skipping stones
Until I left the shore

Maybe I should have waded in?
Maybe the water was warm all along?
Maybe life vests are overrated anyway?

Now I live by the ocean
It is at the end of the lane
Still searching for that life vest
I am not a good swimmer you know
And also running out of pebbles

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Frugal Muse!

Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story
of a hunt for fortunes, a quest for glory!
Show me the trials you put life through, O Fortuna
Thus I may breathe life into these dramatis personae

Lets build a world, you and I
where the strangest things, they do thrive
Lend me a peek, into this other dimension
that is locked away, the key is in your possession

Stoke the embers, rekindle the fire
of passion, sow the seeds of desire
Show me all this, and so much more
I will follow you there, open the door

Live a little, why have you been hiding
no trace to be found, no reported sighting
Lend me your wealth, there's no good excuse
to be so miserly, my frugal Muse!  

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today, I have nothing to write about

Today, I have nothing to write about
No coherent thought from my chaotic mind
Nothing to rant, no axe to grind
No inspiration, it’s hard to find

Today, I have nothing to sing about
No tale of happiness, no tale of sorrow
No song about today, nothing about tomorrow
No tune I could steal, no tune I could borrow

Today, I have nothing to paint about
No ethereal vision, no enchanting sight
No beautiful rainbow, no playful light
No paint on my canvas, try as I might

Today, I had nothing to write about
But I did write, a poem of some kind
But I did write, and will write again on the morrow
But I did write, and now I feel alright

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Abou Ben Mayhem

Abou Ben Mayhem (may his kind decrease),
Harbinger of destruction.. enemy of peace.
Awoke from his slumber.. to a deep chill and gloom..
As a demon made way, into his room .

A harsh growl emerged,from the creature's throat.
As it read from the parchment, which his masters wrote.
"Hear now the words, of the lords whom demons hail,
Heed the words of Lucifer. Beelzebub and Azrael.

This be the list of the damned, that God sent forth.
It is bad news for you, but for what it's worth.
Of all those who sinned and those condemned,
you lead the list.. you await judgement."

"This isn't news to me", Mayhem grinned..
"Satan is my master, its for him I have sinned.
A faithful servant,I have been to my Lord.
wont Lucifer make me, the leader of his Hordes?"

"The demon burst out laughing.. "surely you jest..
Satan make you captain?? hah.. you imbecile pest.
Of the tools of evil.. you're but one of many.
You'll all face the heat, the Master doesn't spare any".

"Go to sleep tonight, tomorrow the Reaper comes.
I am off on my trail again,to cover more homes.
Be not deluded..because as much as I can tell.
Ages of torment await you.. see you in HELL."

Note : Written with the deepest respect to James Leigh Hunt and Abou Ben Adhem. This poem provides an inverse case study to the original poem. Read the original here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Dreaming Forgiveness

my eyes grow heavy.. breath turns rasp
life seeps away
death's within grasp

shut all my senses
nothing left to feel
my life flashes by
like it were a 35 mm reel

i see all that i've wronged
oh, how i now repent
i see those that i loved
alas, so little time we spent

if.. if only there was time
to right what was wrong
and one last kiss to my love
i wouldn't make it long

i realise i don't deserve my love
with that i've made my peace
but let me have my forgiveness
that's all i ask.. please

oh death.. dont take me now
come back when i am awake..
because while i am asleep
I'm dreaming of forgiveness.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Give me a place to stand

Give me a place to stand
And I will move the world
Give me a cup to fill
And I will drink the ocean dry

Give me a sad face
And I will bring out a smile
Give me a sympathetic shoulder to lean on
And I will cry you a river

Give me courage to fight
And I will win you a war
Give me a cause to believe
And I will bring you a revolution

Give me a violin to play
And I will write you a symphony
Give me a pen to write
And I will script you a masterpiece

Give me some optimism
And I will rule tomorrow
Give me a reason
And I will forever let it be /* thanks to Poornaa */


Please don't give me a deadline for my project. I don't think I can f**k*ng finish it on time. :( BOOHOO

Monday, September 01, 2008

The Heartbreak of Tubby Mouse

Hickety Dickety Dock
The Mouse ran up the clock

And so it was, that late at night
Nested away, out of sight
In that cozy little clock, in the alcove
The mouse did scurry, to meet his lady love.

"Blessed be the eyes", the little mouse said,
"that have ever gazed upon your lovely face.
Of all the mice ever, be they alive or dead,
you're the prettiest ever, I rest my case"

"Your whiskers' woven from silk, your tail's made of felt,
And the fragrance of your sweat, sweeter than cheese."
She blushed upon the flattery, while the mouse knelt
"I want you to be mine forever, will you say yes Please?"

She paused for a minute, stared at his pale face.
And burst into laughter, our mouse was in a daze.
"Oh my sweet Lord, this is all so funny,
You, my dear boy, were just my little bunny."

"Despair not, cherish the moments few
Remember fondly, our regular rendezvous.
Wish you could stay longer, my dear Tubby
But off you go now, there comes my hubby."

The clock struck one,
Down the mouse ran,
Hickety Dickety Dock
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